# Template pages #

* post-list-page.tmpl
  Shows a list of excerpts of posts. For example, it is used to show the latest post.

# Macros #

post-list.tmpl & wiki-list.tmpl

Tienen un uso similar, el primero es para cabeceras de blogs y el segundo para cabeceras de wikis. Vea su uso e

[[!template Error: failed to process template <span class="createlink"><a href="/ikiwiki.cgi?do=create&amp;from=templates%2Ftemplates_documentation&amp;page=%2Ftemplates%2Fpost-list.tmpl" rel="nofollow">?</a>post-list.tmpl</span> template post-list.tmpl not found

blogpost-heading.tmpl & wiki-heading.tmpl



Para usar en la cabecera de cada blog. Establece la Cuando es usado se requiere establecer contenido para el parámetro "description", este contenido es usado en el interior de los templates wiki-list.tmpl y blogpost-list.tmpl que contienen la directiva inline que mediante el template indicado en el inline muestran un listado de wikis o blog posts que requiere que el parámetro description contenga un texto de presentación del blog post o wiki. Por ejemplo la secuencia de llamados comienza con el siguiente llamado en una página que muestra un resumen de Wikis:

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<p>In Adobe Photoshop, and also in other image editing applications with a similar document paradigm, the blending of layers is an essential task to get the job well done. The better we understand how they work , the greater the chance to get the desired result with less effort.</p> <p>Here we will understand how they work in RGB color mode, by comparing different curves describing the result we get from the main blending modes.</p>
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<p>In the article "Developing a RAW photo file 'by hand'" we learned many photograph concepts and how to handle and develop, by ourselves, a raw photo file (without demosaicing). However, an important part of the development process was done using <em>IRIS</em> software, which is a <em>Windows</em> only (free) product, which restricted the users of other OSs to repeat the article exercises.</p> <p>Furthermore, the application of tonal curves has to be done using <em>Photoshop</em>, which automatically makes additional image changes when applying a curve, like hue and saturation adjustment for a <em>better looking</em> image or for film-like results. This is a not at all a 'by hand' DIY kind of tool we wanted to use, but we didn't had any other alternative.</p> <p>To overcome this, and many other difficulties, we have developed the <code>imgnoiser</code> R Package, and now all the <em>Developing a RAW Photo by hand</em> can be done using this and other R packages.</p> <p>An additional and great benefit of the photograph development in the R environment, is that you can code your own ideas and make more experiments with the image in a completely impossible way for the environment we used in the original article. As usual, we will include all the required R code to reproduce all the described exercises.</p> <p>In this post we will explain again the <em>Raw Development by hand</em> but focused in the operational part using R tools, and in new topics, but without explaining the photograph concepts we have already learn in the original post. Also, we wont explain in detail the usage of the <code>imgnoiser</code> package; you can learn about that topic reading the article <em>Introducing the imgnoiser R package</em>.</p>
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<p>In previous articles we have proposed a raw noise mathematical model which arises from the sensor characteristics. Then we have learn how to use this model applying it on noise data from a <em>Nikon D7000</em> camera at ISO 100. Realizing the noise measuring is a labor intensive task, we prepared the <code>imgnoiser</code> R package (<em>"Introducing the imgnoiser R package"</em>)</p> <p>Now we want to use the <code>imgnoiser</code> R package to build a noise profile of the <em>Nikon D7000</em> at ISO 100. The support from the <code>imgnoiser</code> will help us to devote less time collecting and double checking the data from our procedures and use that released time to make a more extensive analysis.</p> <p>This article will also be useful as tutorial about the usage of the<code>imgnoiser</code> R package, with practical examples, not from naive situations but from real analysis cases.</p>
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<p>We have analyzed the noise in raw images, proposed a raw noise mathematical model and saw how this model arises from the sensor characteristics. Also, we have compared real raw image noise data against this model —using R-language— and found how this data corresponds very close to the model. Also we have seen it is not easy to correlate that data with the model, because it suffers an issue called heteroscedasticity.</p> <p>So far, it has been an exciting journey, giving us the perfect excuse to learn more about the technical basis of photography and to develop and hone our data-analysis skills. However, the knowledge we have acquired, can not really be applied so much in the way we take or develop a photograph. This is because, the photo developing tools (like Adobe <em>Lightroom</em> and <em>Camera Raw</em>, Phase-One <em>Capture One</em>, Apple <em>Aperture</em>, DxOMark <em>Optics Pro</em>, <em>RawTherapee</em>, etc.) isolate from us the raw issues and let us edit the photograph when it has already been converted into a RGB color space. However, this is <em>for our own good</em>, because that way we don't have to deal with the idiosyncrasies, technical issues an gore details of each camera we use.</p> <p>In summary, the RGB image we can edit and develop, does not have at all the raw noise profile we have studied. Even worse, we don't (at least I don't) have a clue how the RGB image noise is related to the raw one we know. This means we can know our camera has a great raw noise behavior, making us willing to pay more for it, but have no idea how exactly this is reflected in our final images.</p> <p>We know —of course— less noise is better, specially in the image dark areas. For example, comparing the camera SNR chart with the other ones of its class, we can rank them by noise performance. But the fact is we don't know how and how much of that raw noise is present in the final developed image.</p> <p>In this article we will start to fill that gap. We will continue with the study of the image noise, but this time we will learn about how the noise profile changes from a raw image to its equivalent in a RGB space and we will continue the noise study from there.</p> <p>This kind of analysis requires such a lot of labor that this article wouldn't be possible without the help of a tool automatizing most of it. We will use the <code>imgnoiser</code> R package we introduced in this article. We wont explain in full detail the package usage, for that matter, please check the aforementioned article.</p>
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<p>The post <em>"A Simple DSLR Camera Sensor Noise Model"</em> develops some formulas modeling the image raw pixel value and its noise from camera sensor data. However, those formulas are expressed as functions of lambda "λ", which is the <em>Expected Value</em> of the electron count in the sensor photosite. That makes seem those equations to belong only to the theoretical realm, to describe an abstract camera sensor, but not useful to model the noise in a particular concrete camera sensor.</p> <p>This article fills that gap, showing a practical use for those formulas, in the <em>"Simple DSLR Camera Sensor Noise Model"</em> post, describing the Nikon D700 camera sensor behavior.</p> <p>We will see how to build a sensor noise profile, for any camera, from the <em>Variance</em> and <em>Average</em> pixel values in raw photos taken with that camera.</p>
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<p>If you you want to learn about the sources of noise in digital photography and you google that, you will find several interesting explanations about the <em>Read Noise</em>, <em>Photon Shot</em> noise and <em>PRNU</em> noise as components of the total raw image noise. </p> <p>Those explanations say for example, the sources of noise are additive components to the square of the total noise, where the <em>Photon Shot</em> noise is a linear and the <em>PRNU</em> is a quadratic component (both) with respect to the signal:</p> <pre> [Total Noise]² = [PRNU Noise]² + [Photon Noise]² + [Read Noise]² TotalNoise² = k⋅Signal² + h⋅Signal + ReadNoise² </pre> <p>However, there is not an explanation about how exactly this behavior arises from the camera sensor characteristics.</p> <p>With the desire of getting a mathematical model explaining how and why the total noise has that given profile, we have used some known equations, describing properties of the statistical <em>Variance</em> and <em>Expected Value</em>, on a simple sensor model and we have found some simple formulas explaining as a whole the different noise components.</p> <p>In this article we will develop that sensor model from the scratch, connecting camera sensor characteristics with the noise components in raw image files from that sensor.</p>
En este llamado se selecciona con el parámetro sel_pages las páginas cuyo extracto se va a mostrar. A su vez el template invocado, "wiki-list.tmpl" contiene la directiva inline: [[!inline Error: syntax error in pagespec "&lt;TMPL_VAR SEL_PAGES&gt;"]] La cual recibe en SEL_PAGES las páginas seleccionadas en el llamado a wiki-list.tmpl. Esta directiva indica usar el template "extract-entry.tmpl" (con la extensión implicita) para hacer el rendering de cada extracto, cada uno de estos renderings espera tener, entre otros, un valor "description" para mostrar. display-toggler.tmpl & hideable.tmpl ------------------------------------ Estos templates se usan en combinación para poder tener contenido que es opcionalmente mostrable y/o escondible. Hay código en el script jQueries que hace que posible que cinaod se usan estos templates el usuario pueda mostrar/ocultar contenido. display-toggler.tmpl hsid txt_show txt_hide hideable.tmpl hsid hidden text Un display-toggler.tmpl puede tener asociado uno o más hideables.tmpl mediante el parámetro "hsid" que es común a ambos. El template display-toggler va a mostrar un elemento tipo link "<a>" que va a mostrar un determinado contenido (parámetro "txt_show") el cual el usuario puede cliquear para que aparezca el contenido oculto y otro determinado contenido (parámetro txt_hide") que de igual manera el usuario puede cliquear para ocultar el contenido mostrado en el paso anterior. El template hideable contiene el contenido que display-toggler.tmpl puede ocultar o mostrar (parámetro text) y recibe un parámetro indicando si inicialmente dicho contenido está oculto (parámetro hidden) o no. more-inline.tmpl ---------------- Permite mostrar en la página web contenido que tenga inline otro contenido, inicialmente oculto, que el usuario puede hacer aparezca. more-inline.tmpl hsid text ask_for_more : (optional) the text trigger asking for more detail ask_for_less : (optional) the text trigger asking for less detail more_text El contenido del parámetro text se va a mostrar siempre, el contenido del parámetro more_text se mostrará si el usuario cliquea el texto "... more" seguido del ícono "icon-chevron-down" que va a ser mostrado al final de text. Cuando el usuario elije mostrar el texto oculto, al final del mismo se mostrará "... less" seguido del ícono "icon-chevron-up" para que el usuario pueda cliquearlo y volver a ocultar el texto. Ejemplo de uso: Intellectually curious and competitive, with ability to work with mathematical concepts such as probability and statistical inference, or analytic geometry and trigonometry. Capacity to apply principles more-div.tmpl ------------- Es similar a more-inline.tmpl solo que en este caso permite al usuario mostrar (y luego puede volver a ocultar) contenido que aparecerá en otro bloque, no inline. more-div.tmpl hsid text ask_for_more ask_for_less more_text expandable.tmpl --------------- Es similar a more-div.tmpl: Permite al usuario hacer que la página web muestre un bloque inicialmente oculto (parámetro more_text). A diferencia de more-div.tmpl, el mismo contenido del parámetro text será el link que el usuario puede cliquear para mostrar el bloque oculto expandable.tmpl hsid text more_text Cuando se muestre el bloque oculto, se mostrará al final (pero dentro del bloque): " [ Less ^ ]" que el usuario puede cliquear para ocultar el bloque mostrado. Ejemplo de uso: How good is this guy? cboxed_img.tmpl, cboxed-img-left.tmpl, cboxed-img-right.tmpl ------------------------------------------------------------ Permiten mostrar una imagen usando el jQuery plugin colorBox. Muestran la imagen al centro, flotando a la derecha o flotando a la izquierda. cboxed_img.tmpl grpnbr : número del grupo de imágenes src : url de la imágen title : título (tooltip) a mostrar al pasar el mouse sobre la imagen width : ancho en pixeles con el que se mostrará la foto shadow : (opcional) Si se incluye (no importa el valor) muestra una sombra alrededor de la imagen border : (opcional) Si se incluye (no importa el valor) se mostrará un borde caption : Texto que se mostrará debajo de la foto Comment.tmpl ------------ Template que el sistema usa para mostrar los comentarios de los lectores cv-position.tmpl & cv-project.tmpl ----------------------------------- Usados en mi CV img-before-after.tmpl ----------------------- Impementación del visor de imágenes twentytwenty image-before-after.tmpl container_id : Id único de container height : Altura de todo el container img_before : url de la imágen "antes" img_after : url de la imágen "despues" img_width : ancho (común) de las dos imágenes caption : caption a mostrar debajo de las imágenes img-slider.tmpl --------------- Implementación de Slidorion. Permite mostrar mínimo 2 imágenes y máximo hasta 8 imágenes img-slider.tmpl slider_id : ID único de slider img_width : ancho común de las imagenes img_height : alto común de las imagenes img_1 : url de la imagen nº 1 img_2 : url de la imagen nº 1 img_3 ... img_8 : url de la imagenes nº 3 a 8 caption_width : Ancho común de los captions header_1 : Encabezado de la imagen nº 1 caption_1 : Caption de la imagen nº 1 header_2 : Encabezado de la imagen nº 2 caption_2 : Caption de la imagen nº 2 header_3 ... header_8 : Encabezado de las imágenes nº 3 a 8 caption_3 ... caption_8 : Caption de las imagenes nº 3 a 8 internal-use.tmpl ----------------- Dummy template que permite ingresar contenido en el archivo fuente de una página pero que no va a ser mostrado en la página web final. left-indent ----------- Permite indentar (por la izquierda) el contenido en el parámetro text. left-indent.tmpl level: (optional) nivel de indentación text: contenido a indentar Example:
This text is even more left indented. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
linked-img.tmpl --------------- Se emplea para mostrar una imágen que a su vez va a ser link hacia un url dado. Se emplea por ejemplo, para mostrar imágenes en flickr, cuya política indica que la imágen en flickr mostrada desde una página fuera de flickr debe ser un link hacia la imagen original en flickr. Estas imagenes no son mostradas en colorBox. liked-mg.tmpl link : Url hacia donde dirige el click a la página caption : Caption a mostrar debajode la imagen border : (opcional) Si se incluye (no importa el valor) muestra un borde alrededor de la imagen shadow : (opcional) Si se incluye (no importa el valor) muestra una sombra alrededor de la imagen src : Url de la imágen title : Tooltip de la imagen width : Ancho a mostrar de la imágen (en pixeles) msgBox.tmpl ----------- Permite mostrar contenido dentro de un recuadro que indica de manera estándar la naturaleza del mismo. Puede ser: msg-box.tmpl info : (optional) Useful: failure/disregard may present annoying situation, the information can be useful later. warning : (optional) Caution, if failure/disregarding may hinder the task progress or cause light damage where recovering is possible. critical : (optional) Danger, if failure: damage without possible recovering. notice : (optional) Not obvious information already given: explanation, conclusion, or consequence: failure/disregarding will make you lose advantage advice : (optional) Solution, recommendation, guidance detail : (optional) Detail, background, schema, scenario, context example : (optional) Example, exercise lifesaver : (optional) You will save time or run less risks using this. Solution of previous example thumbUp : (optional) Good/best practice or use case thumbDown : (optional) Bad/worse practice or use case text : Content Solo uno de los siguientes parámetros opcionales debe incluirse, no importa el contenido (típicamente con un "yes"). Ejemplo:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
quote.tmpl ---------- Permite mostrar una cita quote.tmpl quote : texto de la cita author : (opcional) Autor de la cita cite : (opcional) Obra del autor de donde proviene quote set-options.tmpl ----------------- To allow more choices than what can we do by using current ikiwiki directives, we can set some dynamic options, causing our "standard" javascript to do some things, as shown bellow. You can set more than one option separating them using a comma. * "eocLine":"yes" By default, the end-of-content horizontal line is hidden. Setting eocLine to yes will cause to show this line. * "discussion":"no" Will disable all the menu items allowing to post in the discussion page. To this effect all menu items enabling discussion, must have the class "discussion-enabler". "title-icon":"<icon name>" Allows to set dynamically the icon before the title of the page. If the name of the icon (in .css) is icon-calendar-month, instead of <icon name> you should set just "calendar-month". toc.tmpl -------- Usa los templates toggle/toggleable que estan deshabilitadas en mi sitio. Es necesario migrar este template a display-toggler.tmpl & hideable.tmpl toc.tmpl levels